I was plagued by my shyness as a kid, gripped with fear when faced with talking to anyone I didn’t know. But when I discovered I loved to dance, my life took on a new shape. I found a way to express myself without saying a word. I learned how to connect with the outside world while holding onto my quiet nature.

Today, I’ve left much of the shy and quiet girl in my past. I faced my fear of speaking and developed a confident voice as a fitness teacher and a lifestyle writer. I’ve made it my job to speak, to share my voice.

But when I dance, I realize the quiet girl is still inside me, and I love her. Dancing shares a piece of me that couldn’t be revealed through spoken or written words, yet it often feels like the most honest expression I have available. It reminds me that my quiet nature is a huge strength I can continue to draw on. It allows me to turn inward, to listen to my subtle intuitions, to trust my gut feelings, and to pay attention to the wisdom of my surroundings.

When I dance, I am confidently quiet, vulnerably strong.