Quiet Revolutionaries

Quiet Revolutionaries are readers who embody the spirit of Quiet Revolution: strong yet gentle, firm but kind, they are as indomitable as they are unassuming. These are intimate portraits of people of all ages from across the globe, whose stories run the gamut from hilarious to heartrending.

Angela Smith

"I became quite infamous for being the quiet psychologist who delivered an iron message in a velvet glove."

Julie Mayfield

To me, the word introvert had negative connotations: shy, boring, no fun. And even though the person administering the test patiently explained that being an introvert didn’t mean any of those things but instead had to do with where you got your energy, it took me a while to stop being defensive.

Shahzia Noorally

Much of my newfound confidence comes from recognizing that I didn’t have to play into stereotypes of what would or wouldn’t work for my quiet self.

Liana Norheim

My life story began to make sense as I realized I was on the extreme end of introversion.


Suddenly my world of close relations grew from 20-30 to hundreds.

Terry Matlen

I was her advocate now and would not allow family, friends, therapists, teachers, or anyone else to say she could no longer do what she did before her illness.

Sarah Shin

I have an inner introverted ideal to strive to be myself and to know that I’m good just as I am even if I don’t fit any mold.

Kenny Ramp

For the first 16 years of my life, my closest companion was my dog. Animals made sense to me. Nature and the earth were natural connections.

Kate Groves

School report cards always read the same: “Groves Twin [insert name as appropriate] is smart, conscientious, and hardworking but needs to learn to speak more in class.”

Megan Hemmings

I'm no longer too much of anything, just more of some things and less of others. It's blissful to finally feel accepted.

Scott Drummond

As a military veteran with 29 years of service, I’ve seen, done, and been to more places than most will ever even consider in their lifetime.

Robin Canan

I have always wanted to develop shows that could reach people in the same way that these characters have affected me.

Gwynne Corrigan

The birth of my (now 12‐year‐old) daughter Cassidy, my fiery, spirited, and beyond inspiring child, woke me up and catalyzed a journey of personal discovery and brilliant challenge.

Luis Esteban Santiago

I still have a long way to go, but I feel good being who I am and doing what I am doing.

Ola Maria

Some people might see that as "playing small,” but I see it as trying to leave a mark on the world in my own gentle, quiet way.


I didn't know why I preferred to be alone at home reading a book or watching a movie instead of going out.

Anita Morf

I stopped making excuses about needing time alone or leaving a gathering early.

Jildau Zwaagstra

I’ve been struggling for most of my life with being an introvert. I didn’t feel accepted for not being the type of person who stands...

Ian Street

I'd like to think that being an introvert helps me tune into my subject and that I take time to notice the little things.

Antonia Ruiz-Koffman

Resources like Quiet Revolution help grow my confidence to live my life as myself.

Clayre Benzadon

I finally reclaimed solitude when I discovered poetry.

Rainesford Alexandra

My stomach was churning, my palms were soaked, and worst of all, I had the racing thoughts of self-doubt: Why would they ever want ME to do this?

Amber Bathke

I can make conversation, but it’s restricted to the niceties and talk about the weather, which, granted, in Minnesota is actually an interesting topic, but still.

Jan E. Tumilowicz

Don’t do something unless it’s your bailiwick, your idea, your goal.

Ann Krinitsky

I am an excellent listener, which is a critical skill for a conductor. You must hear all elements of the music, bring out the important ones, help fix errors and mistakes, and make decisions about where the music will go based on where it is at the moment. And it's different every time.

Cindy Putnam McMillion

I like to talk to people one‐on‐one, and I've gotten a lot of great interviews, but it can be really, really hard to get up my nerve to approach total strangers and start a conversation.

Kate Holden

I was cast as an actor in a commercial; I did some modeling for a London fashion brand; I planned my own sport events ceremony; and I am now managing my own marketing campaigns—all things I never dreamed I would have the confidence to do.

Julien Prest

I needed to give all my strengths to spreading the message about introversion so that introverts feel better in this world.

Diana Koenen

When I was very little, being quiet was not such a big deal. As I got older, however, that changed.


It may not be every quiet kid’s story, but it was mine.

Yvonne Sprangers-Oomen

I love my life; I love myself; and I love my family. And I finally have the feeling that life is good and it will only get better.

Esther Zanovitch

I tried being extroverted in my early twenties. I apologized for my quiet nature and tried to cover that up. It backfired on me—big time.

Brigitte van Tuijl

It scared me, and I didn't know how I was going to do it or if it was even possible.

Rebecca Shivji

I put on the usual brave face and tried to get on with it. Unfortunately, things didn’t go well.

Jehan Teja

Nearly everyone thought I was nuts because it seemed to have come out of the blue—I didn't talk to very many people about my plans while I was forming them.

Dee Dee Mozeleski

None of my friends knew anything about my household when I was growing up. I had one face for the public, and one for when I was home.

Mária Pomšahárová

I like to be alone, but at the same time I need people to be around me. That makes me wonder: are people making me a better performer?

Suzie Plakson

I find it terribly, emotionally uncomfortable, even painful, to have these necessarily extroverted talents and yet a quiet and peaceable nature---especially in the performing arts, especially in this country.

Liza Vaca

I am continually learning and reminding myself to not only accept who I am but also to accept that others don’t sense the world the way I do.

Jessica Wilson

When our world completely shattered and we plummeted into a crater of darkness, what was left?

Kyle Hackel

I feared I was doomed to a life of lackluster activities and regret that I wasn't more social.

Kim Kaletsky

My boss was telling me that my silence was a problem--one that would negatively impact my future.

Shirley-Sharon Marquez

I began to like myself again and treat myself with kindness because now I no longer have to feel ashamed of who I really am. I didn’t fix my social problem because there was nothing to fix.

Mary Ann Rollano

Don’t get me wrong. I am quite personable, charming, and have many great qualities, it’s just that outgoing and bubbly is not one of them.

Melissa Ng

Never would I have thought my art would end up getting covered on sites such as TrendHunter and Forbes or that I would be asked to speak on panels and at workshops.

Alice Green

I had an inner life to go to—a safe, quiet place deep inside myself, where I could live, think, and feel without anyone criticizing my inner life the way my outer life was battered.

Kimberly Smith

The next thing I knew, my supervisor came to my desk, announced to me that I would be giving a presentation to the corporate officers scheduled to visit in the next couple of weeks, and walked away.

Meddie Blue

I can’t and do not want to change the fact that I’m an introvert, but I can choose which environments I take part in and who I surround myself with.


He channeled all his depression and anger at my mom even though in public he was known as a very soft guy.

Fabrizio Fusco

Life is about having a dream and not knowing how to get there but starting anyway.

Rachel Mack

I have the “cool” and “creative” job. I have friends who are still begging for a position like mine.

Gina Stroud

Sometimes, I feel like I need to express exuberance on the outside in order for other people to be interested in me, but it’s just not who I am.

Rich Day

Every fiber of my being wanted to scoop her up and carry her away off that stage, but I stayed seated and waited for a miracle.

Dyske Suematsu

As we’ve gained a better understanding of the difference between introversion and extroversion, we have begun to appreciate our opposite approaches and even take advantage of their differences.

Adriana Argueta

After all this time, the quiet never stops surprising me.